12 Days Kansas Itinerary

It all started as sort of a joke. I mentioned to a group of travel writers that I was going to Kansas for 12 days. Someone quipped, “Oh, the 12 Days of Kansas. I wonder what you’ll get?”

Then someone else joined in singing a parody of “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Before I knew it, I was on Day Three in Leavenworth, Kansas, with the Three-Mile Creek Walking Trail.

And I decided it might be fun to tell my story of “The 12 Days of Kansas” with a nod to “The 12 Days of Christmas.” Here are the results.

Kansas City gave me the Kansas City Taco Trail. Kansas City is famous for its BBQ Trail but recently added a Taco Trail with over 50 participants.

First day of Kansas

Merriam gave to me two poviticas. A swirled Croatian pastry baked as a loaf with three times as much filling as dough.

Second day of Kansas

Leavenworth gave to me Three-Mile Creek Walking Trail. The starting point for measuring the town’s miles began at the Main Parade Post, where Fort Leavenworth’s flag flies today.

Third day of Kansas

White Cloud gave to me Four-State Lookout. To reach the 16-foot by 24-foot viewing platform, you’ll find an accessible concrete ramp.

Fourth day of Kansas

Wilson gave to me five Czech eggs. Standing 20 feet tall, Wilson’s giant Czech Egg considered the largest globally, celebrates and honors the community’s Czech heritage.

Fifth day of Kansas

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