Ironworks Distillery in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

In the beginning, the building was the Walter’s Blacksmith shop, a marine blacksmith shop that produced ironworks for the shipbuilders, for example, anchors and chains.

Today Ironworks Distillery crafts spirits distilled by hand, using as many fresh local ingredients as possible.

The Rum

When they opened in 2010, owners Lynn MacKay and Pierre Guevremont didn’t plan to offer rum. Local sugar cane was non-existent, and they were steadfast in remaining with local products.

The issue was during Prohibition Lunenburg was a rum-running town, so everyone kept asking about their rum.

After some problem-solving, their house-made rum evolved distilled from Canada’s Crosby’s molasses, a product from Nova Scotia’s neighbor New Brunswick.

The Spirits

Ironworks Distillery’s signature spirits include vodka made from apples grown in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley and liqueurs made from local berries.

One fascinating brandy is the Eau de Poire, similar to Pear William, which features a whole pear inside the bottle.

It turns out, farmers attach the bottles to pear tree branches as the pears are just forming. The pears grow inside the bottle.

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