Michigan 4-H Children’s Garden

The 4-H Children’s Garden encourages learning through their fifty-five themed gardens.

The Pizza Garden

One of our favorite gardens was the Pizza Garden, where we found everything it takes to make pizza.

The six feet in diameter garden, with a mysteriously missing slice, has concrete “crust” edges embossed with circles representing pepperoni.

Art lovers will enjoy the sculptures and other art installations throughout the less than two-thirds of an acre Children’s Garden.


A bronze sculpture of a boy seated on a bench reading a book includes a whimsical bird perched on an open page.

My daughter read Peter Rabbit as a bedtime story the night before we visited the garden.

Story Time

The Peter Rabbit Garden features statues of Peter and his mother, and even this early in the season, we saw some pops of red in the fresh Swiss chard.

The 4-H Children’s Garden includes several interactive activities. For those kids who need to blow off some steam, climbing the treehouse-style fort is sure to tire them out.

Interactive Activities

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