Michigan Children’s Gardens

Here are four Michigan memory-making children’s gardens, each with a unique focus that will keep kids learning in a variety of modes.

You might be a bit concerned that a garden might leave the kiddos begging for an early departure, but that’s not the case in any of these gardens.

While each includes flowers and plants, they also feature a variety of activities to engage the kiddos through action.

Mazes for exploring, paths for a brisk walk, a variety of climbing structures including tree houses, and an array of water features so that they won’t claim boredom throughout the day.

Dow Gardens, Midland

Growing gardeners design their garden, plant it, care for the garden, and finally, harvest the fruits of their labor. They can make scarecrows and learn how they can help their garden grow.

Michigan 4-H Children’s Garden

Encourages understanding plants through their fifty-five themed gardens. To learn more about science, the Pharmacy garden lends itself to a discussion of the plant’s healing properties.

Lena Meijer Children’s Garden

As children enter the garden through their unique door, a giant mouse sculpture greets them. This garden emphasizes hands-on activities enhanced through sculptures.

Gaffield Children’s Garden

The Visitor’s Center near the garden entrance lends adventure backpacks with all the necessary supplies for extra fun.

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