The Great Migration of the Wildebeest

I’d come halfway around the planet to Tanzania to witness the Great Wildebeest Migration, but specifically to watch those animals leap from the cliffs of the riverbank into the Mara River.

As an avid photographer who spends hours waiting for just the right photo shot of my Midwestern wildlife, I’d imagined the thundering hooves, and dreamt of capturing the splash.

When is the Best Time to See the Great Wildebeest Migration?

August and September are the best months to witness the migration, as the rainy season begins in October when the herds start their return.

The movement is continuous as wildebeest and zebra co-exist together, each eating different parts of the grass. Zebras feast on the long, tough grass while the wildebeest eat the short grass.

The Mara River crossing is a small slice of the migration. Hundreds of wildebeest create a back-up and may push those in the front into the Mara River.

The wildebeest and zebra mingle on the riverbank, waiting for a critical mass. Small groups waiting, as there’s safety in numbers.

Returning to our luxury glamping camp that evening, was a bit of a letdown. After all, our time was limited. We only had one more day before we departed for the Central Serengeti.

End of Day One

Day Two – Waiting

On the second day, our guides stopped at each passing jeep, inquiring what the other guide might have seen or heard.The guides figured out the spot where we would wait.

Quickly time passed as we captured images of the increasing numbers. Wildebeest and zebra numbers continued to increase. The larger the numbers, the longer the crossing will be.

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