The Women Behind  Livermore Valley Wineries

Several years ago, I spent nine months in San Francisco’s East Bay area in Walnut Creek, California, 22 miles from Livermore Valley.

I was working on an intense project, and rather than return home every weekend, staying in the Bay area and exploring worked out better for me. That’s when my colleagues first introduced me to Livermore Valley wines.

With 4,000 acres of wine grapes, the Livermore Valley has more than 50 wineries growing 30 plus varieties. You’ll find everything from 100-case boutique operations to 400,000-case industry big names.

Their answer to question: What makes your vineyard stand out from all the others?

Darcie Kent, owner at Darcie Kent Vineyards

"Darcie Kent is also an art gallery, and all my work is on display and for sale there. I do all the labels. The labels for Darcie Kent are all art done by me."

Rhonda Wood, Owner, and Winemaker at Wood Family Vineyards

"We’ve been farming the vineyard since 1995 and home winemaking since 1996. We have a happy family-run winery with five full-time employees and several part-time employees."

Lisa Maier, Owner at Las Positas Vineyards

"All our wines are 100% estate. We have 20 acres of planted vines that surround our winery. We have seven different varietals, so all the wine we produce is from our vineyard."

Margie Dino, Owner at Cuda Ridge Wines

"We are a producer of wines. Larry is the producer. We have two vineyards we grow, and we have 12 different family-owned vineyards from where we source."

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