With 4,000 acres of wine grapes, the Livermore Valley has more than 50 wineries growing 30 plus varieties. You’ll find everything from 100-case boutique operations to 400,000-case industry big names.
Kate Hudson, the American actress, said,“Every bottle has a story, and when you sit down and drink it, you feel connected to that story.”
Every bottle I sampled, every woman I met had a story to tell. I’m sharing their stories with you in hopes of inspiring you to visit their wineries in Livermore Valley, California.
I love doing this with my daughters. My oldest, Kailyn, works with us on marketing, developing labels with me, marketing our brands.
My great-great-grandfather came over from Switzerland with his wife, they were both artists and vintners, so I’m doing the same.
I do all the labels. The labels for Darcie Kent are all art done by me.
How much love goes into it and how much effort. We all put love, effort, and caring into every bottle that goes out there.