You want to use your vacation days to travel. But with uncertainty in both your personal and work schedules, it’s challenging to plan a vacation.
To start planning, you need ideas. Read travel websites and blogs to find recommendations on where to go and what to do.
Keep a list of places that interest you and decide how much time you would need to take that vacation.
Once you have a destination and the amount of time required, decide what’s feasible. Consider the best time to visit a destination. Compare calendars to determine what week will work best.
Be ready. If it takes hours to get ready to go on a spontaneous trip, the opportunity evaporates, but if you’re packed, you can seize the moment.
Set up a vacation bank account separate from your other funds and have the money added directly from your check rather than putting all your earnings in one account.
Keep a couple of options in mind, in case it rains, and you still want to have a micro-vacation. Substitute that bike ride on the River Walk for a tour of the State Capitol Building.