What to Do in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

The year was 1749. With the promise free, tax-free land European settlers arrived by way of Halifax, to the area that is now Lunenburg. Fast forward almost 250 years.

In 1995 UNESCO declared those same planned 48 grid-patterned blocks, on Nova Scotia’s south shore, home to old town Lunenburg, a World Heritage site.

Upon their arrival, the settlers found rocks rather than farmland. Although the immigrants weren’t mariners by the late 1800s, they made schooners and became fishermen.

Lunenburg is a history-packed town, and we had just 24 hours to learn all about it.

Lunenburg Walking Tour

When I arrive at a new destination, I find it helpful to take a tour to get an overall impression of the area. Lunenburg Walking Tours was the perfect way to get an overview of Lunenburg’s Old Town area and decide where were I needed to have a more in-depth look.

Explore St. John’s Anglican Church

A notable feature inside the church is the ceiling, which had the same pattern of stars that were in the sky on the night of Christ’s birth.

Explore Lunenburg Academy

The first floor is the library, the second offices, and finally, the third floor is the Lunenburg Academy of Music Performance.

Enjoy Stories at Ironworks Distillery

Their house-made rum evolved distilled from Canada’s Crosby’s molasses, a product from Nova Scotia’s neighbor New Brunswick.

Explore Lunenburg’s Waterfront

Along the waterfront, be sure to investigate the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, the home to Bluenose II.

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