About Follow the Piper

I’m Piper and live in Lansing, Michigan. I’ve been chased by bomb sniffing dogs in the middle of the night in Bogotá (working late), refused boarding on a plane from Buenos Aires to Paraguay (wrong visa), and Federal Marshalls announced my seat number on a plane looking for a murder suspect. I had traded seats. It’s always an adventure!

The goal of “Follow the Piper” is to inspire you to “Pack More Travel into Your Life”, loosely defining travel. The site will inspire you get up off the couch, go out to see the world; near or far. Go to that new restaurant in your town. Go to that museum you’ve passed every day for years and never stepped foot in. Do a day trip on Saturday or go away for the weekend. You don’t need to travel full time to travel and experience the world.

Another goal is to help plan your next adventure. Help you decide where to go, with whom, what to eat and which activities to pursue. Help you figure out why and how to get there in a cost effective way.

There’s regular travel for business, weekend trips with my husband, and multi-generational trips with my family (daughter and granddaughter). There are five weeks of vacation and eleven holidays. As retirement approaches, the plan is to travel more and eventually travel full time, writing about where ever I am “Around Town or Around the World”. Focusing on “Flights. Food. Family Fun!”

The FamilyThis is not a budget travel site per se; however, no one wants to spend more money than they need to. Save money wherever you can, without compromising the experience. Get the best value for the money. To coin a phrase from Walmart, “Save money. Travel more.” If you have kiddos, how do you go on vacation and still afford it.

The site includes travel through the lens of food; although not just restaurant reviews. There might be information about festivals; for example, the “Mint Festival” or the “Cherry Festival”. Discover how chocolate is made. Check out Hershey Pennsylvania. Explore the “Museum of Food and Drink” in New York City or visit a cranberry bog. There are recipes that I’ve collected along the way to bring the experience home to you.

 And tomorrow the adventure continues! Come Follow the Piper!

Author: Amy Piper

While Piper is a lifelong Michigander, she’s had adventures worldwide. Bomb-sniffing dogs chased her in the middle of the night in Bogota (working late), gate agents refused her boarding to Paraguay (wrong visa), and US Marshals announced her seat number on a plane while looking for a murder suspect (she’d traded seats). It’s always an adventure! She even finds exciting activities in her home state of Michigan, where she lives in Lansing with her husband, Ross Dingman, her daughter, Alexis, and two granddaughters.