The Mystery of Cadillac’s Clam Lake Canal

The Mystery of Cadillac’s Clam Lake Canal

For Mitchell to be successful, he had to convince the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad to change the destination of their railroad from Petoskey and Charlevoix to within a few miles of Little Clam Lake. Then, he had to dredge Black Creek, an easterly flowing...

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10 Unique Things to Do in Jackson, Michigan in 2025

10 Unique Things to Do in Jackson, Michigan in 2025

While visiting Jackson County, you’ll find so many fun things to do in Jackson, Michigan; deciding where to start sightseeing might be challenging. So here are ten top things to do while you’re there, listed in no particular order. Thank you to Experience Jackson for...

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7 Must-Try Winter Sports in Cadillac, Michigan

7 Must-Try Winter Sports in Cadillac, Michigan

While you can do many of these sports, like cross-country skiing, ice fishing, and snowmobiling throughout the state, Cadillac, Michigan, is one of my favorite spots to try these activities. Here are seven Michigan winter sports you can experience on your next winter...

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The Trail of Faith in Dubois County, Indiana

The Trail of Faith in Dubois County, Indiana

To create the Trail of Faith in Dubois County, Indiana, the group identified 19 churches that had stood on their original foundations for at least 100 years. These churches span various denominations and architectural styles. The trail includes the St. Joseph Catholic...

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Amy Piper is a freelance travel writer, blogger, photographer, and author specializing in luxury and multi-generational travel. She is a native Michigander who travels through the lens of a food lover and has been to 41 countries and 45 states.

From getting chased by bomb sniffing dogs in the middle of the night in Bogotá to being refused boarding her plane from Buenos Aires to Paraguay due to the wrong visa, Amy always has an exciting adventure to tell her readers and community of travel enthusiasts.


Let Piper tell your story, where she authentically introduces the world to the people, places, and activities in your destination.